Useful Book: Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
This is a powerful (but long) book. Tony Robbins uses Neuro-linguistic Programming to help you change the way you feel, believe and think about yourself, so you can do more …
Smashing through the things that hold us back
This is a powerful (but long) book. Tony Robbins uses Neuro-linguistic Programming to help you change the way you feel, believe and think about yourself, so you can do more …
Quite often when we talk, we make assumptions in the language we use. The meta-model allows us to see patterns in the language, and phrases to test those assumptions. If …
We have particular standard patterns dependent on our attitudes to the world. You may think are ‘the right way’ but there are alternatives. What views of the world and the …
From the NLP Practitioner by Toby & Kate McCartney Other ways we influence are by use of phrases and words. You might not be aware of people using them on …
“The negative view of self denies others the gift of oneself” James Hollis, author When we don’t have confidence, we can fall into the following pit falls, from Dr Robert …