No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind

No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind
The pioneering experts behind the bestselling The Whole-Brain Child now explore the ultimate child-raising challenge: discipline. A breakfast bowl gets thrown across the kitchen, splattering milk and cereal all over the wall. Or one of your kids threatens a younger sibling. Or you get a call from the headteacher’s office for the third time this month. What do you do? No-Drama Discipline provides an effective, compassionate road map for dealing with such tantrums, tensions, and…

When we think about discipline – we often think that punishment is the way to change behaviours. The harsher the punishment, the more the other will listen and learn.

Just think about it? Does that work for you. Which laws do you obey, and which do not?

In this book Dan Siegel and Tina Bryson give strategies for longer term teaching. That doesn’t make it ‘permissive’ but gets to the heart of behaviour change. These principles are useful for children, and also in adult relationships and the workplace.

The first step is to connect with the other person, and redirect the issue so they reduce their reactive response. It’s what police offices try to do with drunks on a Friday night, too.

The graphic below summarises this book.

For me, the key learnings were to work hard at connecting with my children and colleagues when there is a situation, recognise whether I am part of the problem (e.g. my anger), and then choosing the time to reflect and explore changes in behaviour later.

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