Are you ready to break your Growth Traps?

Have you ever found yourself knowing you can achieve more but get stuck. Perhaps you’ve been in a business or team where the same has happened. Growth traps can hold us back personally, in our careers, and in the businesses we are in from meeting our potential.

Perhaps you are ready for:

  • A career progression
  • A new job
  • A better relationship with your current partner
  • A new relationship
  • Growing your business / Team
  • Meeting growth, revenue or services targets for your team
  • Starting a new business
  • Breaking an old habit
  • Breaking through a crisis 
  • Tackling a compulsive habit 

If we can take away our Growth Traps – beliefs in ourselves, habits, the way we communicate, the way we express feelings, and much more, we are released to meet our potential.

Why might I not express my emotions?

“We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.”

Brene Brown

We might wish to show emotions but often they can be held back. THis might be because we don’t want to create conflict with another person if we showed how we truly felt. Here’s a list of reasons – which ones do you do, and which ones do your partner or even boss show?