8 Tips to Breaking the Meetings Growth Trap

Meetings can feel like the bane of our life. “I have too many meetings, to do my job”. They can cause burn out, or the team are always in meetings and not doing their work. Just restructuring your diary, reorganising the meetings and making them more effective can clear your diary, and make the whole team deliver more. Here’s 5 tips to take yourself on the way.

Growth Traps in Meetings: Automatic Negative Thoughts

I recently spent the morning with Bryan McCrae from Sales Motivations looking at how cognitive behavioural psychology can apply well with meetings and sales teams. There are 10 types of automatic negative thoughts (ANTS) that hold us back in thinking clearly in meetings. If you can catch yourself or notice others using them, it can help uncover assumptions, and life rules that are being made – and might hold back form making clear decisions