3 Tips to Remembering People better at networking events Posted on 18/05/201824/08/2018 by admin From Leil Lowndes, 2003. How to talk to anybody Create hooks to remember it “How do you spell your surname?” “Where does your name come from?” “What does it mean?” Say the name 3 times and use it in the conversation Create a picture of them and the name as a hook to remember Write it down Grab their business card, and write notes on them: Favourite restaurant, family, film, sport and tiny details Keep this information and add this to the notes on their contact details Tombstone Gem Ask someone what they would like on their tombstone and remember it “What would you like carved on your tombstone” Use those words as a compliment later “What are you most proud of?” “What would you like the world to most remember about you? Decide whom to follow up with after the party