There are a number of tools to assess your personality. There are no right answers, but these give insight on your style, strengths, and other people’s styles. The key is not to ‘label’ yourself but to appreciate your style and other peoples. The impact of understanding your personality style is that you will be drawn to one set of styles and your friends or advisors may be a different style. It will be very easy for them to expect your ‘solution’ is to become more like them because that’s ‘normal’. An extravert person will feel energised after a party, whereas an introvert person will feel exhausted. When partnered, this can cause conflict. On returning home the introvert will look for space and quiet where the extrovert may be buzzing and need an activity to calm down.

A selection of personality types indicators includes:

Your 5 Main Drivers in Motivation

(based off Transaction Analysis)

  • Be Perfect
  • Be Good
  • Try Hard
  • Hurry Up
  • Be Strong

The 5 TA Drivers

The ‘Big 5’ Factor Model

  • Openness  – Appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity, and variety of experience. High scores are exploratory. Low scores tend to be more pragmatic and conservative
  • Conscientiousness – A tendency to show self- discipline, act dutifully, and aim for achievements. High scorers tend to be organised and plan, and low scorers more flexible and spontaneous.
  • Agreeableness – A tendency to be compassionate and co-operative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others. High scores tend to adapt to other people. Low scorers are more challenging and abrasive.
  • Extraversion – Energy, positive emotions, assertiveness, and the tendency to see stimulation and the company of others. High scores are gregarious, low scores are more reserved
  • Neurocism – A tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression or vulnerability, and sometimes called emotional reactivity. Low scores on this trait are called emotionally stable or resilient


Holland Codes

  • Realistic (Doers)
  • Investigative (Thinkers)
  • Artistic (Creators)
  • Social (Helpers)
  • Conventional (Organisers)
  • Enterprising

Discover your own measure with this online test


Extrovert. perspective and energy from talking it out with people Introvert.Gets perspective and energy from inward reflection
Senses. Takes in information using ears, eyes and so on. Focuses on the fact. May omit feelings as part of data Intuitive. Takes in information through the ‘big picture’. Focusses on possibilities. May omit facts as part of data
Thinker.Makes decisions by considering logical consequences, weighing pros and cons: analysis Feeler, Makes decisions by considering feeling, person-centred values. Understanding vs Knowledge
Jusges. Focusses on the task of coming to a decision; may miss spiritual growth from the process itself PEeceives. Focuses on the process of decision-making. May have trouble coming to a decision


Colour Works

Clifton Strengths (formerly Strengthsfinder)

This includes about 34 strengths, where you identify your top 5 and play to those strengths, and compensate for the weaknesses. It does cost to do the test online

Belbin Team Profile


The last area to consider is ‘Neurodiversity’.

Find out where you sit on the spectrum with this online test for autism
