Are you ready to break your Growth Traps?

Have you ever found yourself knowing you can achieve more but get stuck. Perhaps you’ve been in a business or team where the same has happened. Growth traps can hold us back personally, in our careers, and in the businesses we are in from meeting our potential.

Perhaps you are ready for:

  • A career progression
  • A new job
  • A better relationship with your current partner
  • A new relationship
  • Growing your business / Team
  • Meeting growth, revenue or services targets for your team
  • Starting a new business
  • Breaking an old habit
  • Breaking through a crisis 
  • Tackling a compulsive habit 

If we can take away our Growth Traps – beliefs in ourselves, habits, the way we communicate, the way we express feelings, and much more, we are released to meet our potential.

Let’s Get Real or Let’s Not Play: Transforming the Buyer/Seller Relationship

This has been one of the most life-changing books I have read about the consultative sales process. I was lucky to be at a training seminar with Mahan Khalsa in about 1998, and he taught us, like children, to learn the approach visually, by voice and with our hands. That memory stays with me 20 years later – unlike most other training.

The key take aways I had from this is about asking powerful questions and structuring an interview to get the important information out of it, rather than dive down rabbit holes, and you think it’s been productive but you haven’t heard the real issues facing your client.

The second thing I learnt was listening for ‘yellow lights’ with a client, and rather than reactively responding to them, using them to understand further what’s happening with the client.

In the end if you are not building a solution that exactly meets your customers’ needs they will not be satisfied and you will have wasted your time … so the whole purpose is to help both parties get to that point.

Holding your head up in this Crisis

These are unusual times. Much of the western world is now barricaded behind their front doors. In some countries list Spain and France the police are forcing people inside.

You might be feeing concerned, anxious, hopeless, fearful or many other emotions. In this post, I want to talk about 3 elements of the psychology of change that can give you insight on how you are feeling, and then five questions on to deal with this.

What’s Your Story? – Bringing a school assembly, roads and recycling together…

They say everyone has a book in them. I wonder what the book in you is? During this national story telling week, perhaps it’s worth thinking about your story – what you tell the world about your journey, purpose and passion. It might be a surprise!

You story might be to help get a job, create a business, refocus your life, or make sense of your past.